A l’Aise Breizh

A L'Aise Breizh Sticker, drôlement chic

Article 5

If there is one great achievement to remember from this young and visionary brand, it is to have made the Bigoudène travel all around the world!! Who hasn’t seen these great car stickers across Europe and beyond? I got myself my very first –and old- car this year (yes yes, one still has important things to achieve at the age of 30) and the first thing I thought of doing was to go online and order my A l’Aise Breizh sticker! Well after discovering the significant delivery fee for such a small item I wisely decided to wait a little bit and save it for my next Brittany visit.

It actually gave me the opportunity to rediscover the brand, which is above all a clothing and accessory brand for all, and every year I see new additions to the collections! You can also find home products like bowls, towels and indeed my favourite product THE sticker! Different shapes, sizes, colours… the A l’aise Breizh sticker connects Brittany lovers around the world, especially when you live abroad (how delightful to walk around my Brussels neighbourhood and see the same blue car with the white bigoudène on it!).

A l’aise Breizh I love you, thank you for giving me these little and yet pure moments of joy, far away from my great Pors Poulhan (yes I am a bit melancholic today, Winter’s coming).

A l’aise Breizh